tens, if not hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria have or are
travelling to Greece, in order to seek refuge from the brutal war that has
blighted their homeland, a war that has arguably been fomented by some Western
Powers. Two hundred years previously, it was the Greek freedom fighters that
sought to enlist the assistance of Syria in their quest for independence,
through an ill fated campaign that had unforeseen consequences in the Levant.
As Islam
tended only to distinguish between religions, nationality being an irrelevant
concept in its worldview, the Ottomans considered all followers of the Greek
Orthodox Church to form a homogenous unit. As such, with the onset of the Greek
Revolution, all Greek Orthodox Christians were considered as potentially
disloyal and the province of Syria, containing modern day Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan and Israel, did not escape Ottoman punitive measures. Fearing that the Orthodox
(known as the “Rum” or Romioi) of Syria might rise up to join the Greek
Revolution, the Sublime Porte issued an order that all Christians should be
disarmed. In Jerusalem, the city’s Christian population, who were estimated to
make up around 20 percent of the city's total were also forced by the Ottoman
authorities to relinquish their weapons, wear black, and help improve the
city's fortifications. Just as the Ecumenical Patriarch Gregorios V was
executed in Constantinople, so too did the Ottomans order the execution of the
Patriarch of Antioch as well. However, local officials neglected to carry out
these orders. Finally, in the aftermath of a daring Greek landing in Beirut,
various Greek Orthodox holy sites, such as the Monastery of the Panagia of
Balamand, located just south of the city of Tripoli in Lebanon, an important
centre of Orthodox spirituality, were subjected to vandalism and revenge
attacks, and the monks of Balamand were forced to abandon their monastery until
inspiration for a Greek landing in Syria supposedly came from a Lebanese monk
who met with Montenegrin freedom fighter, Vasos Mavrovouniotis, one of the few guerilla fighters not to be defeated by
Ibrahim’s Egyptian forces that nearly destroyed the Greek forces in the
Peloponnese and imperiled the Greek Revolution. Tearfully, the monk outlined
the various outrages committed against the Syrian Christians by the Ottomans
and begged Mavrovouniotis to liberate them. The leader of Free Greece, Ioannis
Kolettis, believed that, given the parlous state of the Revolution in Greece, a
successful uprising in Syria could divert troops away from the Greek mainland
and ultimately save the revolution. Consequently, he approved of the expedition,
sending to accompany him, the Epirot captain Hatzimhihalis Dalianis, who was
already in secret correspondence with the Emir of Lebanon, Bashir Shihab.
Shihab, was remarkable in that he was a Muslim convert to Maronite
Christianity. Already a seasoned and wily diplomat, he had refused to aid
Napoleon during his siege of Acre, and was the ultimate cause of his failure to
capture Syria. A year prior to the Greek expedition, he had collaborated with
the Ottomans in removing the rival Druze Jumblatt family from Mount Lebanon.
Being beholden to the Ottomans for his position, it is unclear what, if any
advantage a Greek rebellion in his territory would be to him, with scholars
speculating that he possibly hoped that such a landing would grant him further
aid against his Druze rivals.
On 18 March 1826, after first having landed in Cyprus in order to loot
and pillage, so as to pay their troops, a flotilla of around fifteen Greek
ships, led by Mavrvouniotis and Dalianis landed in Beirut. Their exploits were
documented by the Smyrna-born British Consul John Barker, stationed in Aleppo,
in a memo to British Ambassador Stratford Canning in Constantinople. Barker
viewed the landing more as an act of piracy given that Greek pirates were reknown
for such types of raids in the Mediterranean. He reported that the Greek “assailants scaled part of the defence
walls, while ships cannonaded the town." Caught
off guard, "in the absence of all
regular military force" and with "a very
scanty supply of firearms and ammunition," the fort that was supposed to secure the town
from sea invasion "was as ill provided
as the inhabitants." Resistance surfaced, however, thanks to a local mufti who "distinguished himself in instructing and animating the
townspeople" to defend Beirut. The fighting resulted in casualties:
"the loss sustained by the besiegers
was in all 40 or so persons," while the besieged suffered "14 killed and 20 wounded."
The town incurred damage "from 500
cannon balls, of which 2 struck the French consular house and 3 that
of the
Austrian agent." Although
rebuffed, Greek invaders did not immediately depart but took refuge near the
seashore, occupying "a number of
detached houses in the silk grounds, but that being chiefly inhabited by
Christians," the Greeks "did
not injure them." The attackers, according to one of Barker's sources,
appealed to the Christians "to rise
and join them." He opined: “If so, they must have entertained a most
erroneous idea of the number and power of the Christians in Beirut. It is also
said they sent an invitation to the chief of the Druzes to unite his forces to
the Christian standard.”
Seeking help from Bashir Shihab’s rivals seems to have
fatally compromised the expedition. He immediately mobilised troops to dislodge
the Greeks from their positions and they, having received no aid, retreated
back into their ships. The landing however, had serious repercussions for the
Christians of the region. A few days after the Greek withdrawal, on 23 March
1826, after the departure of the Greeks, an Ottoman lieutenant arrived with
nearly 500 Albanian irregular forces and wreaked havoc among Beiruti Christians.
According to Barker, "The
inhabitants suffered more in their property from these undisciplined troops
than the invasion of the Greeks had inflicted upon them, and the Christian part
of the population, without distinction of Latin, Maronite, or Greek, was pursued
and persecuted in a most merciless manner by the established authorities, while
the Europeans themselves were not secure as well from the effects of the
insolence and rapacity of the soldiery ... " A French merchant and an
American missionary under British protection felt the direct impact of random violence
when local troops forcibly entered their dwellings: "these gentlemen and their families were put in fear of their
lives, maltreated, and robbed." Only with great difficulty did
European consuls "repel" the "insolent attempts" of the
attackers and "protect the rayahs in their service from sharing
the fate of the other Christians, whose houses and silk plantations were
confiscated, and all that could be seized were reduced to beggary after having
been tortured for the purpose of extorting from them sums, which it was
impossible for them to raise by the immediate sale of all their effects."
The arbitrary and unwarranted acts of reprisal against the
Christians by the Ottomans as a result of the Greek landing destroyed the
hitherto largely peaceful equilibrium existing between the various
denominations in western Syria. As people of the region of long memories (the
Shihab and Jumblatt families are still major players in the politics of Lebanon
today), some have argued that this singular attempt to bring Syria into the
Greek War of Independence sparked off a chain of events that led ultimately to
the Lebanese Civil War, and possibly, the present conflict.
First published in NKEE on Saturday, 19 September 2015
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